Ask us about our all new nutritional supplement focused on heart health as well as blood sugar support.
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Tersus Life Sciences | Palmitoleic Acid | Purified Omega 7
By James
Ask us about our all new nutritional supplement focused on heart health as well as blood sugar support.
To find out more, email us at
By James
By Matt Schutte, BioOHio MicrOHscope
CLEVELAND – February 16, 2012 – Cleveland’s Tersus Pharmaceuticals, a company conducting research and development on fatty acids for use in cardiovascular applications, is partnering with Columbus-based Basic Organics to market Cardia 7, a dietary supplement.
The first product on the market containing Provinal, Tersus’ patent-pending form of Omega 7, Cardia 7 is designed to help consumers maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Provinal is an ultrapurified proprietary blend of Omega 7, a naturally-occurring fatty acid. According to Tersus officials, Provinal offers a broad range of benefits, namely promoting cardiovascular health.
“The monounsaturated, or MUFA, family of fatty acids have universally been shown to exhibit positive health benefits,” said Tersus Pharmaceuticals Director of Research Dr. Jeffrey Green. “Cardia 7 has been clinically researched to target HDLs, which act like the garbage trucks of your bloodstream. HDL cholesterol transports bad cholesterol back to your liver, where it is metabolized and removed from your body. This is why HDL cholesterol is often referred to as ‘good’ or ‘protective’ cholesterol.”
Provinal was GRAS-certified in December 2011. GRAS is an acronym for the phrase Generally Recognized As Safe, described under sections 201(s) and 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. GRAS certification allows Tersus to take Provinal to market, while undertaking additional studies to prove efficacy.
In 2010, Tersus Pharmaceuticals was a recipient of a Therapeutic Discovery Project federal grant, and has been working on the parallel development of Provinal as a pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplement as well as a food additive.
Published in the BioOhio MicrOHscope, February 16, 2012
By James
By Drs. Oz & Roizen, the “You Docs” (Excerpted from “Four Medical Breakthroughs you should know about”)
Recently, we were totally blown away by four medical breakthroughs we think you should know about.
The “new” good fat: You’ve already heard plenty about DHA, the great-for-you omega-3 fatty acid in fatty fish and algae or fish-oil capsules. Now, research from Harvard Medical School, the Cleveland Clinic (where Dr. Mike is Chief Wellness Officer) and universities in Hawaii and Japan revealed that [Omega-7 fatty acids found in purified palmitoleic acid have amazing powers too!
Our take: Take 200 milligrams of purified omega-7 in capsule form along with 900 milligrams of DHA daily.
Published in the Houston Chronicle on Friday, July 20, 2012
Image of Dr. Michael Roizen used with permission of Dr. Michael Roizen.
Dr. Michael Roizen is the Author of Real Age, Chairman Chief Wellness Officer of Cleveland Clinic, and Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board of Tersus Pharmaceuticals.